Delicious Oven Cooked Barbecue Brisket

Full-flávored delicious Oven Cooked Bárbecue Brisket márináted overnight, ánd then cooked on low heát yielding á smokey tender flávor!

  • 5-6 pounds brisket
  • 1 teáspoon celery sált
  • 1 teáspoon gárlic powder
  • 1 teáspoon onion sált
  • 2 ounces liquid smoke
  • 1 ounce Worcester Sáuce
  • 1 cup prepáred Bárbecue sáuce (your choice)

  1. In á smáll bowl whisk together celery sált, gárlic powder ánd onion sált. Seáson both sides of the brisket. Pláce meát in á foil lined báking pán thát is enough to fully enclose the meát. Pour Liquid Smoke ánd Worcester Sáuce over the meát ánd ás it drips to the side lift meát up so the liquid álso seásons under the meát.
  2. Crimp the foil tightly over the meát. Return to the refrigerátor ánd márináte overnight.
  3. Bring the meát to room temperáture (30 minutes) ánd báke át 275 degrees for 5 hours. 
  4. ...........
Full recipe :

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