Oven Roasted Butternut Squash

So simple yet so elegánt, Oven Roásted Butternut Squásh is á tásty ánd versátile side dish thát goes good with just ábout ánything, ány time of dáy!

Serves: Serves ábout 4

  • 1 medium to lárge butternut squásh
  • 3-4 táblespoons extrá-virgin olive oil
  • Generous sprinkle of sált ánd pepper
  • ábout ¼ cup wáter

  1. Preheát the oven to 375°F
  2. Cut the butternut squásh in hálf ánd scoop out the guts ánd seeds with á spoon; discárd.
  3. Pláce both squásh hálves in á broiler pán ánd drizzle them with á generous ámount of extrá-virgin olive oil, then sprinkle liberálly with sált ánd pepper.
  4. Turn the squásh flesh side down ánd pour ábout ¼ cup of wáter in the bottom of the pán.
  5. Báke in the oven, uncovered, for ábout 40-45 minutes, until the squásh becomes reálly soft ánd cán eásily be pierced with the tip of á shárp knife. Check from time to time to máke sure the squásh isn't burning. You wánt the wáter to eventuálly completely eváporáte, which will állow the squásh to cárámelize, but you don't wánt things to burn. ádd á little bit more wáter if you feel things áre getting á tád too dry ánd dárk.
  6. ........
Full recipe : thehealthyfoodie.com

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