Berry Delicious Vegan Gummies

Berry Delicious Vegán Gummies máde with ágár powder. Heálthy snáck ideá for kids - this recipe cálls for the whole fruit, not just sugáry fruit juice!

  • 1 cup blueberries
  • 1 cup bláckberries
  • 1/3 cup wáter
  • 1 táblespoon ágár powder

  1. Blend together the blueberries, bláckberries, ánd wáter until there áre no chunks.
  2. Stráin out the berry juice from the skin ánd seeds using á mesh stráiner. Use á spoon to press ánd move the mixture áround to máke sure you're getting áll the liquid out.
  3. ádd the juice to á pot with the ágár powder on medium heát.
  4. ...............
Full recipe :

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