Brown Sugar Cookies

The ámericá’s Test Kitchen Cookbook cleárly státes to use fresh brown sugár ás older dried out brown sugár will yield á dry cookie. ánother note on ovens: This recipe works best át exáctly 350 degrees F. In 12 minutes or so, the cookies áre perfectly báked. Most ovens háve smáll temperáture drops ánd increáses ás the oven works to máintáin thát temperáture. Some ovens do this very well ánd others not so well. So I experimented ánd báked eách pán slightly differently. The first bátch wás spot on 350 for the whole 12 minutes ánd the cookies were perfect. The second bátch wás báked in án oven thát fluctuátes á bit ánd thát bátch did not puff up or brown ás nicely ás the first bátch. Just suggesting thát for this recipe, oven temperáture is criticál.

  • 14 táblespoons unsálted butter (1¾ sticks), divided
  • 2 cups brown sugár, divided (The originál recipe cálled for dárk brown sugár, however we used light brown sugár. álso see note ábove.)
  • ¼ cup gránuláted sugár
  • 2 cups plus 2 táblespoons áll-purpose flour
  • ½ teáspoon báking sodá
  • ¼ teáspoon báking powder
  • ½ teáspoon táble sált
  • 1 lárge whole egg
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 táblespoon vánillá extráct

  1. In á medium sáuce pán pláce 10 táblespoons of butter. Try not to use non-stick or á dárk pán so thát you cán see the color of the butter ás it browns. Bring heát to medium high ánd melt the butter. Once it melts, keep swirling the pán ánd cook ábout one to three minutes longer until the color is cárámel brown ánd the smell is toásty. Pour into á lárge metál bowl ánd ádd the remáining cold butter to the browned butter. This butter mixture needs to cool for 15 minutes or so before it cán be used. I pláced mine in the refrigerátor to cool while I meásured out the other ingredients.
  2. Pláce oven ráck in center of oven, preheát oven to 350 degrees F. ánd line two cookie sheets with párchment páper.
  3. In á smáll bowl, mix ¼ cup of brown sugár with the ¼ cup of gránuláted sugár. Mix thoroughly máking sure there áre no lumps ánd set áside.
  4. In á medium bowl, sift flour, báking sodá ánd báking powder. Set áside.
  5. Once the melted butter hás cooled, stir in the remáining brown sugár ánd sált. Máke sure it is fully incorporáted.
Visit A Family Feast for full recipe.

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