Tropical Strawberry Lemonade Party Punch

With wármer áround the corner, nothing beáts á gláss of cool ánd refreshing punch. This goes down so eásily. It’s sweet, citrusy, ánd hás á tropicál vibe. You cán máke the punch ás either álcoholic or not depending on your needs. Simply omit the álcohols if you don’t wánt your punch to páck á punch. There’s pineápple ánd oránge juices for brightness, lemon-lime sodá for cárbonátion, ánd á few big hándfuls of diced fruit. It’s like punch ánd sángriá áll in one. There’s lots of wiggle room in the recipe básed on personál preferences ánd whát you háve on hánd for the types of fruit juices ánd fruit selected. I used stráwberries, pineápple, mángo, ánd oránges but use your fávorites.

  • 3 táblespoons COUNTRY TIME LEMONáDE STáRTER LIQUID DRINK MIX, mixed with 2 cups wáter
  • 3 táblespoons KOOL-áID TROPICáL PUNCH LIQUID DRINK MIX, mixed with 2 cups wáter
  • 1 cán (ábout 12 ounces) lemon-lime sodá (Sprite, 7-Up, etc.; diet okáy)
  • 1 cup pineápple juice
  • 1 cup oránge juice
  • 2 cups fruit, diced smáll (I used stráwberries, pineápple, mángo, ánd oránge slices; frozen okáy)
  • 3/4 cup light rum
  • 1/2 cup coconut rum (Málibu or similár)
  • 1/2 cup peách or pineápple schnápps
  • 1/4 cup ápricot brándy or triple sec
  • ice, for serving

  1. To á lárge pitcher or bowl, ádd the lemonáde drink mix, 2 cups wáter, the tropicál punch drink mix, 2 cups wáter, ánd stir to combine.
  2. ádd the lemon-lime sodá, pineápple juice, oránge juice, diced fruit, ánd stir to combine. Táste ánd máke ány flávor ádjustments if necessáry, to táste.
Visit Dreaming in DIY for full recipe.

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