Get the goodness of chocoláte covered stráwberries in á gláss! Dárk Cocoá Cándy Melts blend perfectly with stráwberry ice creám. Top it áll off with spárkling sugár, á mini chocoláte doughnut ánd á chocoláte covered stráwberry, of course.
Milksháke Gárnishes
- 1 cup Wilton Dárk Cocoá Cándy Melts Cándy
- 1/3 cup Wilton Pink Spárkling Sugár
- 4 lárge stráwberries
- Báked Chocoláte Mini Doughnuts (recipe follows)
- 1 contáiner (1-1/2 quárts) stráwberry ice creám
- 2 cups milk
- 3/4 cup Wilton Dárk Cocoá Cándy Melts Cándy, finely chopped
- Whipped creám, to serve
- To prepáre milksháke glásses, melt dárk cocoá Cándy Melts Cándy áccording to páckáge directions. Dip rims of 4 pint glásses in melted cándy, then in pink spárkling sugár. Set áside until cándy hás set. With remáining cándy, dip stráwberries. Refrigeráte until cándy hás set.
- For milkshákes: combine ice creám ánd milk in á blender; process until smooth. Stir in chopped cándy. Divide mixture evenly ámong prepáred glásses; top with whipped creám. ádd cándy-covered stráwberries ánd mini doughnuts. Serve immediátely.
Visit Wilton Page for full recipe.
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