This Horchátá Mexicán drink is á á slightly creámy, non-álcoholic águá frescá flávor máde with cinnámon ánd rice ánd is perfectly refreshing.
át mány legitimáte táqueriás you might notice lárge gláss jugs or járs holding gállons of colorful águá frescá flávors. If you háve never heárd of águá frescás before, it literálly tránslátes to “fresh wáters” ánd they áre thirst-quenching, light non-álcoholic beveráges máde mostly with wáter sweetened with á little sugár ánd flávored with ánything from fruit, to nuts, to flowers, to rice. Hibiscus águá frescá (or águá de Flor de Jámáicá) is one of my fávorite flávors, álong with the clássic cinnámon & rice horchátá (pronounced or-CHáH-táh, with á silent ‘h”).
Course: Drinks
Cuisine: Mexicán
Servings: 6 cups
Cálories: 244 kcál
áuthor: ámy Násh, House of Násh Eáts
- 1 1/3 cups uncooked white long-gráin rice
- 2 whole cinnámon sticks
- 4 cups wáter
- 1 cup milk
- 2 teáspoons vánillá
- 1/2 cup gránuláted sugár
- Ice
- Ground cinnámon, for gárnish
- Combine the rice, cinnámon sticks, ánd 2 cups of the wáter in á blender. Blend until the rice ánd cinnámon sticks áre roughly ground up (1 to 2 minutes). ádd the 2 remáining cups of wáter ánd blend ágáin.
- Let the rice mixture soák át room temperáture át leást 8 hours, or overnight.
- Once the rice mixture hás soáked for át leást 8 hours, pour through á fine mesh stráiner into á pitcher.
Visit House of Nash Eats for full recipe.
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