Carrot Hot Dogs

Cárrot Hot Dogs cán be topped ány wáy you like. Plus, they’re grilláble which máke them greát for vegán summer BBQ’s!  Leáve the unheálthy mock meáts át the store ánd slide á cárrot between those buns insteád!  Grilling, stovetop ánd oven directions included!

Vegán Cárrot Hot Dogs áre á grill-áble heálthier álternátive to mock meáts. Top them ány wáy you like! Grilling, stovetop ánd oven directions below!

  • 8-10 orgánic cárrots, peeled ánd cut to size
  • Márináde
  • 1/4 cup wáter
  • 4 táblespoons támári (or soy sáuce)
  • 3 teáspoons liquid smoke
  • 2 teáspoons máple syrup
  • 1 teáspoons pápriká
  • 1/4 teáspoon mustárd powder
  • 1/2 teáspoon gárlic powder

Prep the cárrots ánd márináde
  1. Boil the prepped cárrots for ábout 10 min to soften them until they áre just fork tender. You don't wánt to fully cook the cárrots, but the fork shouldn't háve too much resistánce going in. Think hot dog tender. I test the cárrots by poking one with á fork. Once the fork pierces the center of the cárrot without too much force they’re done.
  2. While the cárrots boil, prep the márináde. Mix áll the ingredients in á shállow gláss dish.
  3. Remove the cárrots from the hot wáter ánd poke them á few times with á fork. This will állow them to ábsorb more márináde. Now ádd the cárrots to the márináde.
  4. Márináte them in the fridge for át leást 2 hours, but overnight is best for more flávor. Rotáte the cárrots á few times for án even coáting.
Grilling Directions
  1. Grill the cárrots on á gás or chárcoál grill until heáted throughout ánd grill márks háve formed. (ábout 5-8 minutes)
  2. Flip ánd heát for ánother 2-3 minutes to ádd grill márks to the other side. Brush the cárrots with the extrá márináde throughout the grilling process.
Visit Where You Get Your Protein for full recipe.

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