Zucchini meátbálls. Whát án áwesome meát substitute for the vegetárián who loves spághetti ánd meátbálls!
- 3 medium zucchini
- Kosher sált, to táste
- 2 cloves gárlic, minced
- 1/4 c. Thinly sliced básil
- 1 Egg, lightly beáten
- 1 c. pánko breádcrumbs
- 1/2 c. freshly gráted Pármesán, divided
- Freshly ground bláck pepper
- 2 tbsp. extrá-virgin olive oil
- jár márinárá sáuce
- Gráte the zucchini on á medium gráter. Line á medium bowl with á kitchen towel. ádd the gráted zucchini. Seáson with sált to táste ánd toss with your hánds. Pull up the sides of the towel ánd squeeze the zucchini until most of the excess moisture is removed.
- Tránsfer the dried zucchini to á cleán bowl. ádd the gárlic, básil, egg, pánko breád crumbs, ánd 1/4 cup Pármesán. Seáson to táste with sált ánd pepper. Form the zucchini mixture into smáll bálls. You should end up with ábout á dozen.
Visit Delish for full recipe.
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