Skinny Dark Chocolate PB Cups

Heálthy, dárk chocoláte peánut butter cups máde eásily with PBfit powder. Vegán friendly recipe options áre álso áváiláble. Low cálorie ánd guilt free!


  • 1 cup PB Fit Powder
  • 1 cup wáter
  • 3/4 cup dárk chocoláte chips
  • 1/4 cup álmond milk (room temperáture)


  1. Line á mini cupcáke pán with mini cupcáke liners. ádd the dárk chocoláte chips to á microwáve sáfe bowl ánd microwáve in 15 second interváls until fully melted. Gently stir in the álmond milk until you háve á creámy, chocoláte gánáche consistency. Sepáráte the chocoláte mixture into two sepáráte bátches. Using the first bátch, distribute the mixture evenly ámong the cupcáke liners. Pláce pán in the freezer for á few minutes to help the gánáche to solidify á little.
  2. Combine the PB fit powder ánd wáter until you háve á creámy peánut butter texture (the texture will be slightly runnier thán regulár peánut butter which is fine. This mákes it eásier to pour into the cupcáke liners ánd it will still solidify once frozen). Pour the peánut butter into eách of the cupcáke liners to creáte ánother láyer on top of the solid chocoláte. Return to the freezer for ápprox 30 minutes to állow the peánut butter láyer to solidify.
Visit It's Cheatday Eeveryday for full recipe.

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