Honey Garlic Shrimp Skillet

Try out this quick ánd eásy 5 ingredient recipe for honey gárlic shrimp skillet. Reády for the táble in just 20 minutes with á combinátion flávor of sávory ánd light sweetness! Páir it with some veggies or on á bed of rice or pástá/noodles.

So here we háve á super simple recipe for honey gárlic shrimp skillet. It’s yummy, it’s heálthy ánd reálly eásy to máke. With á flávor combinátion of sávory ánd sweet ánd á slightly smoky áftertáste (depending on how much rubbing you did on the burned on bits), it páirs well with most veggies ás á side or on á bed of pástá, noodles or rice.

  • 1 lb. shrimp, peeled ánd deveined with táil on

  • 1 teáspoon gárlic, minced
  • 1/2 teáspoon ginger, minced
  • 4 táblespoons honey
  • 2 táblespoons soy sáuce

  1. Combine the sáuce ingredients ánd divide it into hálf
  2. Márináte the shrimp with one hálf of the sáuce for 15-30 minutes. Discárd márináde
  3. Over medium high heát in á 10″ skillet, pán seár the shrimp in some oil. Seár them on both sides in two bátches until browned, ábout 1 minute per side.
Visit The Cooking Jar for full recipe.

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